Welcome to the City of Chillicothe

City Clerk

Welcome new City Clerk Jill M. Byrnes
Chillicothe City Clerk Jill Byrnes 3Municipal Election Information can be found on the home page under Recent News - Vote

The City Clerk is an elected position.  The main responsibility is to keep the official records of the City.  This includes all minutes, ordinances, resolutions, and contracts.  It also involves maintaining up-to-date City Codes.  Some other duties are:  attends council meetings and bid letting's, executes and certifies documents approved by the City Council, handles voter registration, issues liquor licenses and other licenses, processes freedom of information requests, and administers Oath of Office to elected officials.

Illinois Freedom of Information Act Directory


Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1503 and 735 ILCS 5/15-1508, Notices of Foreclosure for residential real estate mortgages on property located within the corporate limits of the City of Chillicothe, Illinois, shall be sent to the following address given on your left side.